317-585-0500 info@servant42.com

New Name: indeedIT to Servant 42

We’re excited to announce that we’re switching from using indeedIT as our name for business-focused services to the name Servant 42. We feel that Servant 42 reminds us and our clients that we exist to serve, and it harbors a geeky literary reference to the Douglas Adams book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, where 42 is the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” determined by the computer Deep Thought. It also has a dual reference to the biblical book of Isaiah 42 about servanthood.

While we like the indeedIT name, we also feel that Servant 42 is a more meaningful, unique, pronounceable and memorable moniker and will begin officially using the name Servant 42 on May 1st, 2019 (the complete change will take a bit of time before and after that). It’s already the official name of our corporation: Servant 42, Inc. We are maintaining our residential support (both on-site and in-shop) under the name PC Help Services but will be more focused on serving small businesses, churches, non-profits, schools and their employees with excellent technology support, recommendations, and solutions. We’re the same team providing the same personal, central-Indiana-based support.

As part of the change, we will begin answering our phone as Servant 42. Our marketing materials, website, invoices, letterhead and business systems will all be updated in the near future to reflect Servant 42. Our website and email accounts will be updated with the servant42.com domain, though all existing web addresses and email accounts will continue to work—your address book can be updated if you prefer, but it’s not necessary.

Our new Servant 42 logo is reproduced below:

Servant 42 Logo

We continue to make changes to our services to better serve both existing and new customers. We’re not forcing you to change if you prefer your current services, but if you feel a review of our services to see if we have an even better fit for you is warranted, we would be happy to schedule a discussion.

Feedback is always welcomed. We offer several customer-focused services (some new, some existing) including:

  • Predictable, fixed-fee support options (new!)
  • Advanced phishing security protection, including:
    • Easy email attack reporting
    • Artificial Intelligence detection of scam emails
    • User testing to gauge security awareness
    • Security training and ranking for end-users
  • HIPAA compliance assistance and insurance for medical offices
  • Direct billing for Microsoft services (same price as Microsoft, combined bill)
  • Migration to cloud-hosted services based on an analysis of your environment and recommendations
  • Server and workstation upgrades, planning and migration
  • Firewall, security, network, and wireless installation, support, and troubleshooting!

We look forward to continuing to serve existing and new clients in the future!

Thanks, from the team at Servant 42!